I have now been running the GLA:D program at Inglewood Physiotherapy for a couple of years. It is great to see the progress people make during the program through a greater ability to be out and about enjoying more time with family and friends but with less pain and use of medication GLA:D Australia recently released their annual report and some results of the 7641 participants. It is a program for anyone with hip and knee osteoarthritis. GLA:D® AUSTRALIA PARTICIPANTS: WHAT HAPPENED?
Reduced Pain After the GLA:D® program - average Knee/hip pain intensity decreased by 33% Reduced intake of painkillers After the GLA:D® program. - 49% of the knee participants and 45% of the hip participants reported that they are using less or much less medication, such as paracetamol, NSAID or opioids. Improved physical function -For both knee and hip participants-The number of sit to stands in 30 seconds increased by 27% from 11 repetitions before GLA:D® to 14 repetitions after GLA:D® program. -Average walking speed increased by 14% (from 1.54 m/sec to 1.74 m/sec) for knee participants and 12% (from 1.54 m/sec to 1.73 m/sec) for hip participants. Quality of Life Score. -Increased by 29% for knee participants and 20% for hip participants. GLA:D® AUSTRALIA PARTICIPANTS: 12 MONTHS ON Reduced Pain -The reduction in pain was maintained one year after starting the GLA:D® program. Higher quality of life -One year after starting the GLA:D® program, participants reported a further improvement in average joint-related quality of life. Still a 30 %improvement Reduced intake of painkillers -One year after starting the GLA:D® program, 50% of the knee participants and 53% of the hip participants reported that they are using less or much less medication, such as paracetamol, NSAID or opioids. Joint replacement surgery -26% of the knee participants desired surgery before commencing GLA:D®. 65% of these participants had not received surgery and no longer desired surgery one year after starting the GLA:D® program. 25% of the hip participants desired surgery before commencing GLA:D. 67% of these participants had not received surgery and no longer desired surgery one year after starting the GLA:D® program. These are certainly an encouraging set of results that could work for you. If you want to know how the GLA:D program could help you contact me on 9272 2600 or [email protected] GLAD-ANNUAL-REPORT-2020.pdf |
June 2024
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